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Publikuota: |
2011-07-29 12:06 |
Tematika: |
IT sprendimai, programinė įranga |
| Šį mėnesį nepriklausoma tyrimų kompanija „NSS Labs“ paskelbė naująją interneto naršyklių saugumo tyrimo ataskaitą. Tyrimas pripažino „Internet Explorer 9“ (IE9) ir „Internet Explorer 8“ (IE8) saugiausiomis naršyklėmis Europos vartotojams.
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Iš viso rasta: 3 (1–3) |
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Ramūnas |
2011-07-29 18:13 |
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Ši ataskaita buvo finansuota iš pačio Microsofto. Buvo testuotos naujausios IE versijos ir senos konkurentų versijos. Net neverta tikėti, tuo ką sako MS.
Independent testing company NSS Labs just published a report on the ability of popular browsers to block socially engineered malware attack URLs. The test, funded by Microsoft, reported a 99 percent detection rate by Internet Explorer 9 beta, 90 percent by Internet Explorer 8, and 3 percent by Google Chrome. Google doesn't entirely approve of this report's focus and conclusions.
While NSS Labs tested the very latest versions of Internet Explorer, it initially appears that it compared these with an older version of Chrome. Chrome 8 is the current version while the test used version 6. However, Chrome 6 was actually current at the time the test was conducted in September. It's not clear why Microsoft and NSS Labs waited until December to release the results. Many looking at this report won't realize that the version of Chrome tested is not the version they're using.
"As we've stated previously, these sponsored tests are limited in their sole focus on socially engineered malware, while excluding vulnerabilities in plug-ins or browsers themselves," said a Google spokesperson. "Google Chrome was built with security in mind from the beginning and emphasizes protection of users from drive-by downloads and plug-in vulnerabilities for example, we recently introduced a new security sandbox for Flash Player." It's definitely true that the test in question had a very narrow focus. The report itself clearly states that it "does not evaluate browser security related to vulnerabilities in plug-ins or the browsers themselves".
Google's spokesperson also pointed out that "the testing methodology isn't available in a way that can be independently verified." The full report from NSS Labs does include a detailed description of the network configuration used for testing as well as the client systems used in testing. However, that the list of actual URLs used for testing was not made available to the vendors or to the public, so there's no way to independently verify the results.
There's no doubt that Internet Explorer aced this particular Microsoft-sponsored test and left the competition in the dust. There's equally no doubt that the topic of browser security covers much more than blocking of URLs hosting socially-engineered malware. When browser vendors vie for the title of "most secure", surely we'll all reap the benefits.
http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2374344 ,00.asp |
Atsakymai (0) |
Dx.. |
2011-07-29 16:39 |
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idomiai cia, kad mikrosoftas aiskina kad ju produktas saugiausias, nors pamirso patiksinit kad cia ne saugumas o tik tai kiek jis zino kenkejisku puslapiu.
jei tas puslapis pateks i ta 10% nezinonu tai idomu kaip tas exploreris atsilaikys pries exploitus kuriuos chrome visus iveikia be problemu. Cromei tiesiog isvis nereikia kreipti demsio i tokias problemas galma drasia eisti i betkoki puslapi net jei jis ir ukrestas, nes jokie virusai ten isvis neturi priejimo prie kompiuterio o gali tik savo sandboxe zaisti. |
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gymka |
2011-07-29 12:49 |
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aišku, kad IE turi būt saugiausia, nes visų kitų naršyklių savininkai nėra IT srities beraščiai ir žino kas yra antivirusinės programos ir jas naudoja. tai niekam ir neaktualu 2 kartus tikrint failus(1 kartą naršyklė, paskui AV) pagal tas pačias antivirus database(visi turi savo duombazes, bet visose juk tie patys virusai). man iš naršyklės reikia tik 1 dalyko: firefox bei opera tai vadina "private browsing", chrome "incognito mode", visą kitą darba atlieka AV |
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